Are you good about football? Place it on a professional basis!
In today’s challenging world we often lack the time to do basic daily tasks not to mention to develop ourselves but the latter should be extremely important as well. The FEC downloadable courses (eBooks) have been designed with this in mind, so they offer a great opportunity for those who have a tight schedule but want to develop. After downloading, you can access our tutorials from anywhere, from anywhere, to get familiar with introductory knowledge that meets the latest regulations and expectations. Our eCourses are considered as the “halls” of the two-day intensive courses of each subject as the course material of the eBooks does not correspond to the curriculum of the two-day courses requiring personal presence, but it prepares and completes the statements there.
How it is working?

Our downloadable courses cover virtually one e-book, which can be downloaded from the FEC site or via the link in the payment confirmation email after paying in the fund. Downloaded PDF documents then can be easily accessed through any of your devices, so you can even learn on the go. All of our e-books are password protected which will be sent to you after the payment with the downloadable material together. What you need to know is that you are allowed to download the e-book within 7 days after your purchase and that you will be able to download the file twice with the link.

We currently have one downloadable course named “Introduction to the Theory of Scouting“. With this training, you can learn – among other things – what a scout should pay attention to, what needs to be done, what aspects should be taken into account in an observation, what his/her weekly program and what a club expects from him/her. The 50-page curriculum has been built on the personal experience of many years, so you can get to know the basics of scouting.
What we promise
Those who buy and utilize our eBook courses gets into possession of knowledge that only few people currently have in some special areas of football.